Monday, July 11, 2011

This week in review ending July 9th

Casey Anthony was found not guilty on all charges besides four counts of lying to the police, Anthony was sentenced Thursday to four years in jail with time served and can be expected to be released as early as this week

Former first lady Betty Ford died at the age of 93, Wife of former President Gerald Ford (In office from 1974-1977) she overcame many obstacles such as addiction to drugs, alcohol and breast cancer to opening the betty ford center, and becoming one of the most beloved women of her era, Ford will be buried besides her husband Gerald Ford in Michigan at the Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids.

Obama extends foreclosure programs for unemployed homeowners with an FHA mortgage from four months to at least a year, The unpaid payments be added to the cost of the mortgage and must be repaid with interest but with unemployment being one of the top reasons for foreclosures this will be a great relieve for many Americans.

JaMichael Brown was born in Texas at Good Shepherd Medical Center July 8th at a whooping 16lbs and holds the title at the hospital for the biggest baby born there. He is in stable condition and under observation in the neonatal unit and expected to be release in the next few days.

Sean Kingston shot a music video this weekend just a few weeks after being released from the hospital in a jet ski accident that was near fatal, The Beautiful girls singer held a party at his Miami mansion last week and warned party goers on the dangers of jet skiing.

Box office results week ending July 10, 2011 Top Five
  1. Transformers: Dark of the moon: spent its second week at #1 earning 47 million dollars
  2. Horrible bosses: made its debut at #2 earning 28 million dollars
  3. Zookeeper: made its debut at #3 with a respectable 20 million dollars
  4. Cars 2: in its 3rd week placed #4 with 15 million dollars
  5. Rounding out the top five movies of the week is Bad Teacher: in its 3rd week earning 8 million dollars

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